Luna Rituals

Luna Rituals

Feeling them new moon vibes ripple through my being the past few days and wanted to share some of the wisdom that’s moving through me.

With the new moon in Libra this month, the theme that has been presenting with this energy is balance and support with a focus of being IN the practice. 

Everything may be pointing to digging into the nitty gritty of your relationships, a return of past wounds and triggers, and the body may present with pain like symptoms, headaches and nausea (some call these accession symptoms, which require our fullest surrender in order for our mind, body and soul to recalibrate with the new energies taking place).

It’s in each moon transition we need to amp up our practice, lean deeper into our rituals and surrender into each feeling as they arise and with awareness respond in a way that is calm and in your highest alignment.

If the body wants rest... then rest.

If the heart needs to speak.... then lean into heart opening yoga poses, cacao ceremonies, time out and allow it to speak.

If your home requires balance... then create balance and harmony around you.

Draw awareness around each moment and sit in the questions of....

- What would it take for me to create balance and harmony both in myself and in my relationship?

- What’s perfect about this that I’m not getting?

- What does my body require in order for me to release past pains, surrender into the now and move forward with ease, joy and love?

It is in the awareness of the moon phases we get to remain curious, understand our triggers and expand our consciousness and joy. 

It can be overwhelming during these times.  

We know how much the moon effects the tides so it’s no wonder our body moves through the ebb and flow both physically, mentally and energetically. 

Staying in the practice is essential for smooth transitions. 

Here are a few simple steps we invite you to try during the lunar cycles, along with some rituals I find help provide support and guidance around each moon phase.  These can be done anytime leading up to or just after the phase but especially beneficial on the day / night of.

1. Gather your tools

- Luna Bowl.  We love our Luna Bowls, these bespoke ceramic bowls are hand crafted with loving intentions, filled with 100% eco soy wax, infused with specific essential oils for each emotion linked to both the new and full moon phase and topped with crystals for each moon phase. (this month I used 2 candles to resemble and create balance, one was my new moon luna bowl and the other was my B Connected candle to help open the heart chakra. )


-Sage / smudge stick or palo santo stick.   Each of these hold a sacred purpose of clearing and cleansing with sage known to clear ALL the energy and palo santo is said to cleanse negative energy and bring in the good.  Either way you can't go wrong with which ever you choose, the most important aspect is the intention in which these are used.  (see more in the ritual steps further down) 


- Chakra mist - we have 2 beautiful chakra mists to choose from in our crystal infused range.  B Still is intended to transcend you into a state of calm, meditation and focus, infused with organic essential oils of cedar wood, lavender, lemon, frankincense and rosemary. 

B Transformed 

is intended to transcend you into a state of self care, self love and connectedness, infused with organic essential oils of ylang ylang, sweet orange, grapefruit and patchouli. 


- Journal 📓and pen 🖊


2. Find your space 

When creating time for you, it's important to create a sacred space where you can completely relax, no interruptions, and if possible a place you can set up your alter with your tools as your own go to place for self nurturing.   Once you create this space, it's important to cleanse it prior to a ritual.  This can be done with a light smudge, by having selenite or amethyst crystals there or with a few light sprays of your charka mist.

3. Get centred with breath

Take a moment to lean into some deep belly breaths for approx 3 minutes, (they say that just 3 minutes of concentration breathing helps to improve our immune function, increase happiness and optimism, improve sleep and focus).

4. Begin your luna ritual

Once you feel centred and ready to sit with yourself or a circle,

light your candles with an intention to create harmony and balance,

spray your mist around your space and body allowing the aroma to help guide you into relaxation,

light the smudge stick and as you move around your space and body say “I cleanse my space with light and love. All energies in this space that no longer serve me are now cleared. All energies that are dense and heavy are now cleared. I fill this room with light and love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Allow 3-5 minutes of creative journaling, just put pen to paper and let her speak.  

With a New Moon it's an invitation to withdrawal, go inward and begin creating, a powerful time for new beginnings, reflecting, planting seeds, manifestation, get clear on what's on your heart, come up with ideas, retreat.  

Full Moon's are said to hold an intention to launch, play, action, release that which no longer serves, cut cords, purge, and or take one solid step with symbolic action

So with your journalling, it's important to get clear on your intention and then allow the pen to just write what's coming through. 

Sit with an intention to surrender and release all sticky energy, sit close to your candles and continue to concentrate again on breath and either move in flow or sit in a meditation seat.

 At the end of your meditation and journalling, it's a great time to affirm your intentions moving forward with an affirmation.   This could be something such as.... 'I close this circle with loving intentions as I accept these things or something better into my life for my highest good and for the good of all those around me'.   

A gentle yoga flow before or after is also a great way to dissolve any tension stored in the body and open yourself up to opportunity. 

Trust your body and mind and surrender to their callings.  Your intuition can guide you.

 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔

Happy Moon vibes your way.

Much ❤️ 



#newmoonvibes #libranewmoon #baremovement #newmoon #rituals #practice #yoga #surrender 

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