S E L F   C ^ R E

S E L F  C ^ R E

A buzzword that’s at the forefront of most conversations in all spaces these days.  From corporate office spaces, to small business and staff, to stay at home mums and dads and to the everyday individual that’s just trying to keep all balls in the air while wearing many hats in one day. 

I love that it’s become a buzzword, in fact it’s my favourite word and the intention behind the brand here at B ^ R E movement, however I don’t feel the action has followed the intention as much as you would have hoped.   Which is why I felt it was timely to reconnect, drop a line so to speak and encourage you all to find stillness amongst the chaos that is our daily lives. 

The thing is that life is always going to life.   Like the tides we will find moments where we pull back, retreat, unhook from all the chaos and stand still, we sink deep within to the bottom of our own being and enjoy the gentle lapping of the universe at our feet.   It’s here we have the opportunity to recharge, reconnect, be whole and complete and need for nothing or no one to give us the permission to rest and simply be.    

And then like the tides we discover a new found courage and intention and charge forth, rolling forward with such effortless force and create, dance and play.  

More commonly we see ourselves doing the charge, the hustle, the create until this wears us too thin and we begin to burn out, fade away. 

So if this is just how it is and life will just life, how does one hold onto those moments of calm, less overwhelm and peace?   

It’s as easy as turning your daily habits into self care rituals, increasing your awareness and tweaking your reactions and responses so that whatever comes your way, you are prepared, not attached and calm.  

 Self care can and does look and feel different to everyone, which is why we feel it's important to emphasise that it requires even the smallest pocket sized moments of time and intention in order to lean in.  

Mindfulness and wellbeing are amplified and massaged when we put particular things into practice.   

We find that by following these 5 simple steps they can help bring a sense of wellbeing and connectedness in each day.

  • 1. Gratitude - as each day rises and you step out of your bed, it’s in saying the words 'Thank You' that you let go of any tension and allow gratitude for each breath and for being in the moment.  The more you learn to say these simple words, the easier it becomes to forgive and take radical self responsibility in life. 
  • 2. Go Outside - in order to truly nurture ourselves we need to break away from all the noise, the to do lists and distractions.   Take a moment to walk away from your computer, turn off the TV and step outside and relish in the sensation of the ground at your feet, the wind in your hair and the sun on your skin.  Listen to the leaves rustle in the trees as the wind sweeps through and lifts away any thoughts in your mind that no longer serve you.   
  • 3. Cleanse - turn daily habits into self care rituals as you shower, cleanse your hair, exfoliate your skin, indulge in a bath or apply lotion to your body.  Set an intention to not only cleanse, but to clear away the messes from the day.  Indulge in the essential oils that are found in your natural products and reconnect to yourself as you exfoliate, wash and cleanse.   
  • 4. Meditate - this doesn’t have to require a class or an hour of your day.   Meditation can be whatever you decide it to be.  5 minute practices are just as effective when the intention to unhook and be still has been set. Our B ^ R E intention candles are a great way to help you set that intention prior to your meditation practice. 
  • 5. Stay kind to yourself - it’s ok to feel all the feels, to move effortlessly like the tides and roll with the wind.  Stay kind to yourself and trust the process. Remind yourself daily that you are seen, you are heard and you are loved. 

The more you practice the art of self care, the easier it becomes to navigate your way through life with less comparison, less judgement and with more ease, confidence and joy.   

Turn daily habits into self care rituals, fill your cup and fall in love with the becoming. 





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