Ancient Beauty Rituals : Rediscovering the wisdom of the ages

Ancient Beauty Rituals : Rediscovering the wisdom of the ages

Ancient Beauty Rituals

Beauty rituals have existed through the ages and over this time people have searched for the “fountain of youth”, the "holy grail"—the way to stay young forever.

Fortunately, thousands of years later, these rituals have made their way into the modern world of beauty and cosmetics, infusing their way into our hearts and homes.  While beauty is recognised within many different cultures across the globe, various rituals and philosophy's vary from one culture to another, here's a little insight to the ancient rituals that continue to inspire us here at BARE.

Ancient Greece

There were many cultures who immersed themselves in the realm of beauty, in ancient Greece, Aphrodite, the olympian Greek goddess of love and beauty, created a quintessential beauty ideal among Greek women, symbolising true femininity and grace influencing particular rituals.  Clay face masks, an extremely popular skincare ritual today, were common in Ancient Greece, due to  clay’s mineral content and its cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as honey, milk baths for smoothing skin, dried herbs and botanicals in their baths also for detoxification purposes and of course olive oil for moisturising their skin.

It is said the Greeks favoured light complexions, which they maintained using white lead which was replaced by chalk for obvious reasons (high toxicity in lead causing death).  For make up, crushed mulberries and pomegranate were a favourite for lip and cheek stain, charcoal and oil for eye make up.

Roman Rituals

The Romans are renowned for their bathing rituals and much like the Grecians they too favoured pale, blemish free skin using milk, honey and animal fat to name a few of the ingredients used through this time.   Due to the rich and often foul smelling products often applied to the face and in baths women (and sometimes men) would drench themselves in perfume and oils, as a pleasant smell was synonymous with good health. 

Perfumes were formulated using a variety of flowers and herbs like saffron, almonds, rose petals, lilies, myrtle, laurel and jasmine.

Ancient roman bath

bathing therapy

Roman bathhouses are known for their mosaics, paintings and intricate ceilings flooded with natural light and are the inspiration for many spas these days.  Bathers engaged in contrast bathing therapy, also known as hot/cold immersion therapy, a popular ritual we are now seeing pop up everywhere once again in our modern world for the many science backed health benefits. 

Egyptian Rituals

Not only was ancient Egypt one of the most advanced civilisations to grace the earth, but also the creator of many sacred luxuries that are still used widely today. Egyptians were undeniably known for their exotic jewelry and fashion 

Uncovered burials have provided us with artefacts and knowledge that beauty rituals were revered in Egypt more than in any other culture with burials and tombs discovered showing evidence of remnants of cosmetics inside, not to mention the many other health and wellness rituals discovered over time.

Egyptian goddess laying on earth

Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of Egypt, was an iconic beauty, leaving behind timeless rituals with her legacy. Almond oils, dead sea salt scrubs, apple cider vinegar, honey and milk baths were among some of her anti-aging rituals.  It is also said that sugaring for hair removal was also discovered by the Egyptians, a technique widely used today.

Perfumes were also prized in ancient Egypt, as they were valued for their positive health and wellness properties. Frankincense and myrrh were highly regarded as essential ingredients in perfumes and skin care treatments for both scent and health benefits and moisturisers a favourite with over 21 different vegetable oils for a range of beauty purposes!

Ancient India and Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda? 

Ayurveda translates to "the knowledge of life" and is a natural / holistic system of medicine originated in India more than 5000 years ago. This complex, yet practical system is based on the belief that optimal health is achieved when your mind, body and spirit are aligned with the universe.
Ayurveda spices and oils
Ayurvedic beauty rituals included bathing and oil treatments (including sweet almond oil amongst others), which promoted physical and spiritual cleansing that promote balance. Ancient Indians believed that if you couldn’t eat it, it didn’t belong on the skin. Their skin care was mostly edible and derived from the most nutritious herbs and oils around.
Back to nature and ritual
As we've circled around and explored just a few of our ancient cultures and rituals, we can see how over time we have been exposed to  a vicious cycle of industrial chemicals in our self-care products and we’re so happy to see people making the switch to more natural, botanical based lines inspired by ancient practices.
bare movement sub mark turn daily habits into self care ritual
At BARE our products are created with an intention to bring ritual and self care into your daily practices and routines in a safe and effective way that not only promotes beauty but a deeper connection to yourself, your heart, nature and mindfulness. 
It was after years of working in the hair and beauty industry and suffering with multiple health and skin issues that our founder Annalisa saw the need to bring more education and awareness into a space that is saturated with a desire to look and feel better without knowing the consequences some routines are filled with, it's because of this she continues to embark on a journey of discovery through product development, yoga, breath work and ancient healing modalities and practices in the hope to inspire women to love the skin they're in while protecting and nourishing it from the inside out. 
So the next time you apply skincare or makeup to your face, soak in a warm bath with essential oils, or rub body oil over your skin, remember where all of these rituals came from. Sit in gratitude to the ancients and our ancestors who passed on these traditions and enjoy the invitation into your self care ritual that not only connects you to your own heart, but to us all. 
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