Kick start your next detox

Kick start your next detox

D E T O X 

We cleanse our body though diets and fasting.

We de-clutter our minds through meditation, yoga, journalling and breath work.

When was the last time you deeply cleansed and purified your hair, skin or space? 

I understand time is precious.

As a mum, salon owner, reiki facilitator, yogi in training and product developer I know how easy it is to put things aside and watch them build and pile up.  It was after being with my own frustrations of  health issues, a sick baby, trying to fit everything in and waiting for that scheduled self care appointment (once a month if I was lucky), I  created a simple 2 - 4 step system to help you cleanse, purify, restore and detoxify your hair and skin while simply washing your hair, your face and body.  A task we do daily yet underestimate the opportunity in such habits. 

At B ^ R E we specialise in personal care products that help you turn daily habits into self care rituals, without the fuss.

No extra time required, simply the right tools and a new intention. 

With the new year already ticking over, I have so many clients come into my salon space asking for a deep cleanse.  

You know the one, that feeling of pure surrender and letting go of all that no longer serves us.  For some this comes in the form of a new style cut, for others a hair ceremony with me which includes a detoxifying shampoo and treatment, full body sage and reiki session all while at the basin as they sink into deep relaxation.

The great news is that you don't have to come into the salon to do this.   I've developed a range of products for you to use in the comfort of your own space, each one infused with crystal energy, high quality essential oils, and the key ingredient Black Pepper Oil.  

Known for it's detoxifying abilities, antioxidants and antibacterial properties, we love black pepper for many reasons including the emotional benefits. 

(For more on the benefits of black pepper oil, see our key ingredients list on our website.) 

How often do I need to detox / purify my hair? 

For those who use a lot of product or are in the busy city regularly, I would suggest to use the cleanse and cure at least once a week.  For those who suffer from oily scalps, I would recommend to use the cleanse every wash and for those who aren't exposed to many toxins or pollutants and don't use many products, I suggest twice a month. 

As a hairstylist it was important to create a range that doesn't remove colour as it removes build up, so you can be rest assured this deep cleanse is as gentle as it is effective. 

Kick start your next detox with the ultimate B PURE bundle. 
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