International Yoga Day June 21st 2022

International Yoga Day June 21st 2022

Celebrated on June 21, International Yoga Day celebrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual powers that yoga has brought to the world stage.  An ancient practice that dates back as far as 5000 years and continues to become more and more popular in the west.  

Yoga was developed as a way to interconnect the mind, body and soul to step closer into enlightenment.

Yoga has been the pathway many have chosen for various reasons from exercise, health, restoration and regulation.  For what every reason you have chosen to roll out your mat and which ever style you favour, it is undeniably one of the most connecting practices that continues to open doors to self reflection with each asana, breath and practice. 

Today I sit in deep reflection of this incredible practice and the impact it has had on my life and the life of those around me.  

The practice that invited me home, safely and gently into my body, the practice that recalibrated and realigned me, the movement that REturned me back to myself while restoring love in my heart, a deep feeling of compassion towards all living things and an inner joy that reflects in all I do and be.

Today and all days I bow humbly forward in deep reverence and respect to the ancients for sharing their teachings, for passing on the wisdom and philosophy of this beautiful practice. I give thanks for the many leaders and teachers, my mentors and friends who share this practice with me and are an intrinsic part in my tapestry of life.

If you've been curious about this incredible practice, I encourage you to roll out your mat and lean in.   

Simply setting an intention to be with yourself on the mat is enough to begin your journey. 

Yoga, the pathway to the self, through the self.

Happy international yoga day 🧘‍♀️ 🙏

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